General terms
A product which can be degraded naturally by microbes.
It is important to note that the term is often used for a variety of products that do not actually possess this property fully, so it is always worth verifying the material from which the product is made.
The best biodegradable products are those made from minerals, plants or natural components.
Most 1EA products comply with the type of recycling and material characteristics described.
Environmental reporting
A comprehensive report of the company to the State authorities on the impact of production on the environment.
Possibility to recycle the packaging into another with the help of special equipment, having first cleaned the container. Recycled materials include cardboard, paper, single-layer mono-plastics. For example, the described approach refers to the reproduction of raw materials for transparent lids of 1EA containers.
Circular economy
In a circular, or closed-loop economy, all production processes aim to reduce resource use, recycle and use materials, and recover natural raw materials.
Fast-moving consumer goods
These are typically products that people buy on a regular basis, such as groceries from supermarkets, shops, etc.
Linear economy
A classic production economy system in which a product becomes obsolete over time and is discarded.
Sustainable use of resources includes the purchase of raw materials from proven ecologically responsible producers who use only renewable resources, such as planting new trees to replace used ones.
Products which break down into natural elements within 90-180 days during processing in commercial enterprises as defined in European standard EN13432. They are suitable for processing at an industrial composting plant where products are exposed to an optimal level of temperature and moisture.
Multiple-use product
Products which break down into natural elements within 90-180 days during processing in commercial enterprises as defined in European standard EN13432. They are suitable for processing at an industrial composting plant where products are exposed to an optimal level of temperature and moisture.
Multiple-use product
A product that retains its original properties for a long time and can be reused.
Waste management hierarchy
An internationally recognized set of priorities for waste management. The Hierarchy has 5 items, 3 of which are the most favourable to the environment.
  • Waste prevention
  • Reuse of materials
  • Recycle into a new product
  • Energy production, alternative applications
  • Waste disposal
Production and product terms
The fibrous substance which remains after grinding of sugar cane or sorghum stem. It is used as biofuel and in the production of pulp and building materials.
Glassine (paper)
Waterproof paper.
Strong fibrous cellulose paper. The classical color is brown, it may be lighter or darker. A whitened kraft paper is available for a clearer brighter print.
Polyethylene, a polymer material commonly used to cover all paper cups internally to make them waterproof.
Raw material
The material used to create a product in its original state.
Maximum capacity of production, how much can be packed in it.
Material derived from renewable sources - corn starch and cane. Starch is processed and becomes a transparent thin coating on the surface of cardboard or bio-plating. Crystallized bioplastics can be used for lids and cutlery.
Greaseproof packaging
Such paper is usually made of cellulose, has grease repellent properties, and is therefore suitable for products with high fat content.
Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
Minimum number of products that can be ordered.
Polypropylene, a polymer material often used to make lids.
Thermal insulation
The level of thermal insulation indicates how long the package will keep the product hot.
Corrugated board
Multilayered cardboard with corrugated inner layer to create a thick, durable material.
Smooth white graphic paper with a layer of kaolin - mineral filler. The kaolin layer allows you to apply a logo or image in wide resolution.
Polyethylene terephthalate, a type of plastic. The most popular recyclable material is most commonly used for all plastic bottles, such as drinking water.
Polystyrene, polymer material. It is often used to make lids for coffee. It is not the best material for contact with hot products. We don’t recommend it!
Indicates whether the item can be placed in a microwave or oven.
The suitability of a product for microwave operation depends on the strength and characteristics of the materials, for how long the product heated in the microwave oven.
Products that have conventional ink prints on them should not be in microwave ovens for long.